Monday, November 2, 2009

Automated Cash Gifting Programs?

There are more and more cash gifting programs popping up all over the net utilising terms such as "auto-pilot", "hands-off" or "we contact your prospects so you don't have to" to flog their gifting opportunities. This causes me no little discomfort, as for me it brings back painful and costly memories.

AVOID THESE LIKE THE PLAGUE! I was sucked in by a cash gifting system that prided itself on these so-called "automated" qualities.

Fast forward four months and four thousand bucks. The results were - to put it mildly - somewhat less than inspiring. The official site was littered with big promises, but through my own experience I realised that practically none of them were worth the paper they were printed on. I had just had an expensive and extremely time-consuming lesson.. The reality is that unless you are the creator of these "automated" gifting clubs, success will prove very elusive indeed.

Which brings me to my point. Cash gifting is based on people giving to people, so doesn't it stand to reason that this endevour should be conducted person to person? Now I know it is true that some folks are better at dealing with people than others - but do we all not interact with strangers every single day? Whether it be in the shopping mall, out in the street or in the workplace, I would guess nearly everyone has some kind of encounter with a person unknown to them.

So you see even if you believe yourself to be not the best communicator, the chances are that you already convey yourself more than adequately without even knowing it.

For the most part, aside from some basic questions, those that are making enquiries about cash gifting just want to be assured they are dealing with someone worthy of their trust.

Let me be blunt.. In this author's humble opinion if you do not want to build a relationship (for mutual benefit I might add) with your prospective and/or current team members, then you have no business being involved in a real cash gifting program. Remember, your team is the vital lifeblood. Without them you have nothing.. I don't think it's too much to ask for a little face-time when they need it.

Bye for now..

Dave Jales