Saturday, December 19, 2009

No 1 Up Cash Gifting Is The Rocky Balboa Of Cash Gifting Programs

The internet fosters a number of cash gifting programs that claim they found a wonderful structure designed to bring loads of cash to your doorstep without any input from you. I have experienced that these structures don’t deliver at all! There are a few main factors why that is the case.

You find on the net a few cash gifting programs that have the courage to claim residual cash gifts. This is a blatant lie and all of you who have been joining or promoting one of these programs know that I am right. A prime example of this is called the “1 up system”. This system doesn’t work as it should.

The scenario is you are eager to have some cash in your pocket. So are others - now why would they be happy to give away the first person joining them? They wouldn't obviously, and we both know it! Which would you choose if one meant giving away your first pledge, or in the case of a no 1 up cash gifting program it is yours to keep. The choice is easy if you ask me..

To read this entire article please visit the link below:

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Dave Jales