1. Follow up leads or callback requests fast. Neglect your prospects at your peril!

3. Listen to your prospects. A blatant sales pitch will instantly put someone on high alert and simply blasting them with an offer that's all about you dumps you in the same catagory as an infommercial actor..
4. Stay away from the "we do all the marketing for you" cash gifting programs. I can tell you this from personal experience. Remember the old adage "If you want something done right do it yourself"? Certain deceptive cash gifting programs out there are waiting like sharks to snap you up so do your research.
5. Watch or read "The Secret". By manifesting the law of attraction you take control of your life and your finances.

7. Use article marketing. This is my favourite form of advertising for my home opportunity. Releasing original articles as often as you can will have search engines fighting each other to get at your content. If you write well you have a good chance of other webmasters picking up your articles for their sites - further spreading your links virally online.
8. Appease the gifting gods by helping all worthy students, not just those you personally invite. In saying this you must also be cautious to not waste your precious time on tyre-kickers.
9. DON'T GIVE UP! The most succesful cash gifting experts are those that stick with it.
Finally, the best cash gifting tip I can give you is.......... drumroll.........
10. Go to www.thefreedomroad.info!
Have an awesome day:0)
Dave Jales